What Does a Vascular Specialist Do?

A vascular specialist is a physician specializing in diseases of the arteries and veins. They are also called vascular surgeons. They are responsible for managing diseases of the vascular system using minimally invasive catheter procedures, medical therapy, and surgical reconstruction. Their job is to treat patients suffering from vascular disease and restore healthy blood flow. Listed below are the most common diseases requiring the services of a vascular specialist.

Open sores on the legs or feet can be a sign of vascular disease. If the sores do not heal, they may be a sign of an enlarged artery or vein. To find a vascular specialist, you can call the practice’s number or inquire at the front desk. If they cannot answer your questions, find another physician who can help you. These conditions are often overlooked, but it’s important to get the proper treatment.

In addition to treating vascular diseases, a vascular specialist can help with the prevention and treatment of vascular disease. These doctors can address a wide range of vascular health issues. Vascular surgeons undergo five to seven years of specialized training, performing traditional vascular surgery as well as minimally invasive endovascular procedures. They must also pass a rigorous exam to become board certified in their field. The average patient sees a vascular specialist once every few years.

Many vascular specialists are skilled in wound care. They can improve the patient’s quality of life and prevent a recurrence of a wound. Your primary care physician may refer you to a vascular surgeon if you are experiencing symptoms or have a vascular condition. Choosing a vascular surgeon is an important part of a successful treatment. It’s important to do your research and to not settle for the first one you find.

Vascular specialists also perform surgery. Although most of their procedures involve surgery, some will recommend less invasive procedures, such as balloon angioplasty. Surgical procedures usually require general anesthesia, and may be performed with a stent or balloon. In contrast, minimally invasive endovascular procedures are less invasive and require only a needle puncture or catheter. However, if you are experiencing pain and vascular disease, a vascular surgeon will perform a minimally invasive procedure, usually through an injection through the vein.

A board-certified vascular surgeon will have specialized training and experience in vascular disease. The board-certified vascular surgeon is committed to providing excellent care and ongoing education in this area of medicine. To become a board-certified vascular surgeon, a doctor must meet certain standards of quality, including being accredited by the Vascular Surgery Board of the American Board of Surgery. They also have to be certified by other highly regarded organizations. A board-certified vascular surgeon is the best choice for patients seeking treatment for vascular disease.

Diabetic patients may also need vascular care. In addition to leg problems, vascular doctors may recommend procedures such as angioplasty or ports and access to dialysis. These procedures are usually painless and involve minimal downtime. However, patients must consider their options carefully before choosing a vascular specialist. At NewYork-Presbyterian, patients are encouraged to talk with the physician before making a decision. They can also benefit from lifestyle changes.

Contact the experts at APEX Endovascular at (970) 694-2650 today!

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